Bolo to plné farieb a zvukov, histórie a krásnych vecí! :) Naozaj som nevedela kam skôr pozerať :) Chodila som a všetko (ÚPLNE VŠETKO!) :) bolo fascinujúce! :) Prepálená zástera majstra kováča, zrobené ruky tety čipkárky, zašpinená paleta uja maliara alebo krásne kroje tanečníkov... A keď ste sa s nimi dali do reči... vošli ste pod povrch. Zistili ste napríklad, že črpák na žinčicu sa vyrába z dreva dva roky (a hneď jeho cena nebola až taká vysoká!) :))) Bolo to pre mňa plné objavov a nekonečného nadšenia. Až budete mať možnosť, určite dni majstrov ÚĽUV budúci rok nevynechajte! :)
P.S. Najlepšie na konci - na tom čo je na poslednej fotke som sa vážne nasmiala :)))
It was full of colors and sounds, history and beautiful things! :) I really did not know where to look first :) I went and everything (absolutely everything!) :) was fascinating! :) Blown apron master blacksmith, hands of lace makers woman, dirty palette of naive painter, or beautiful costumes of folk dancers... If you started talk with them, you came under the surface. For example, you found that production of wooden mug for zincica (special slovak drink from milk) takes two years (now its price has not been as high!) :))) For me it was full of discoveries and endless enthusiasm. Once you have the possibility to visit Craftsmen days ÚĽUV next year, do not miss! :)
P.S. The best at the end - on what is the last picture I have seriously nasmiala :))) (in slovak language it means "boxes for the tooth" with great grammar mistakes)
Krásné fotky! Musela to být super akce :) Šikovné slovenské ručičky!
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