26. 8. 2015


Tentokrát sme nelámali žiadne výškové ani rýchlostné rekordy. :) Bola to prechádzka. No bola krásna - išli sme obklopení zvlnenou krajinou. Prešli sme zopár lúk aj stromov :) Dve jazerá a jeden potok. :) Stretli sme skupinu zombíkov (A prežili to! Hoci bez fotiek...) :))) Priniesli sme si mirabelky aj nejaké bylinky. A veľmi, veľmi som si oddýchla. :) Snáď mi M + E odpustí, že je ich na fotkách vidno.... :)))

This time we didn´t break any height or speed records. :) It was a walk. But it was really beautiful - we walked surrounded by rolling countryside. We went through a few meadows and trees, two lakes and a creek. :) We met a group of zombies (and survived it! Although without photos...) :))) We brought some sweet plums and herbs. I felt relaxed very very much. :) Hope that M + E will forgive me, that I hung also some photos with them... :)))

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