Len málokedy si uvedomujeme akú silu majú naše slová... Dokážeme nimi zastaviť rozbehnuté lode,
či dať do pohybu veci, ktoré stáli. Máme moc spraviť niekoho nešťastným. Alebo naopak veľmi
šťastným. :-) Dokážeme ovplyvňovať ľudí okolo seba. A máme silu pohladiť bez toho,
aby sme čo len vystreli ruku... Je to obrovská moc. Využívame ju múdro? :-)
Yesterday I had a bad day. Wasn´t important what I started, nothing worked. Everything for what I hoped in the afternoon was, that I will came home without accident. :-)))) I came. :-) But even so, the next morning I worried if today will be really better ... :) In the bus, lady in red jacket asked me: "Aren´t you freeze in those tiny coat?" - she asked after a moment in which she was staring at me. It was not a long conversation. Nor meaningful. :-) But when I was later getting off the bus, she beautifully smiled at me and said the miraculous sentence - "Have a nice day, I wish you good for whatever you´ll be doing today" - it was like a response to all my worries :-)
I smiled, knowing that today IT WILL BE. :-)
We aren´t realize how strong our words are... We can stop the running of the ship :-) Or move the things which are stopped. We have the power make a someone unhappy. Or make him a very happy. :-) We can influence people around us. We have the power caress someone, without lifting an our hand ... It is a great power. Are we use it wise? :-)